Kaffir Lime Oil 12ml


Kaffir Lime

Botanical name: Citrus hystrix

It has a sedative as well as uplifting character excellent for anxiety, depression and nervous tension. A combined cooling and refreshing quality that helps to allay anger and frustration.

It freshens the air and uplifts the spirit. A few drops in a diffuser brings a total change in the atmosphere. Put a drop on tissue and stick to fan acts as a powerful cleansing in the car or at home.

A powerful antidepressant oil, put a drop in your bath water and you will feel the refreshing and rejuvenating effect helping you to relax both your body and spirit.

The oil from the lime’s rind also contains strong antiseptic properties. Excellent for using with hair care products in order to reduce hair falling and healing scalp


Affirmation: I cleanse away the negativities and received the positivity with open arms.