Botanical Name: Citrus limomum
The oil is extracted from the rind of the fruit. This fresh, sharply aromatic oil is used to treat nausea and to stimulate the appetite. Use it also as a massage to aid circulation. The lemon’s antiseptic properties are well respected, and make it effective in treating colds and sore throats and in controlling skin blemishes. The mild sedative action will reduce fever and ease indigestion. Most particularly, lemon oil helps to stimulate the body’s own natural defense against infection. Use it as a rinse or in a bathtub to lighten hair or skin, or in a cooling lotion to soothe sunburn.
Fresh and invigorating, lemon oil stimulates the senses and clears the mind.
Lemon boosts circulation, helps to reduce varicose veins and acts as an antiseptic against bacteria and viruses. A lemon oil massage supports the liver, aids lymphatic cleansing, reduces cellulite and fluid retention.
It stimulates the digestive system, helping to combat obesity and loss of appetite.
It helps to lift moods on busy days when you need mental focus and positivity.
Add 8 drops to 20 drops of base oil such as rice bran oil or jojoba oil for a detoxifying body massage.
Properties: Antiseptic, physically stimulating, skin tonic, astringent, antibacterial, diuretic, circulatory, refreshing, cooling, uplifting, stimulating, motivating.
Affirmation: I radiate joy and love everywhere I go and immerse myself in happiness.