The cooling and refreshing affect helps in absorption of information and memory that could keep you awake and improve in concentration.
Due to analgesic and antispasmodic properties. Headaches, mental fatigue, vertigo, nervous trembling and nausea can be ameliorated with royal peppermint. Relieves fatigue and can use as insect repellent.
Relieves pain and improves digestion. Excellent for digestive problems and for local anaesthetic for wounds. Romans were well aware of its detoxifying properties and wore crowns of the herb at feasts. Used for irritable bowel syndrome.
Botanical Name | Mentha piperita |
Herb | Herb: distilled leaves and flowering tops |
Note | Top-middle |
Scent | Piercing menthol, Sweet |
Simple Usage: Inhalation/Relief tiredness
Royal Peppermint x 1 drop
Aeonian Dragonfly x 2 drops
Drip on palm warm your palm and inhale 3 times is so good. Then follow by rubbing on the back of your neck and behind your ears. (dilute with coconut oil 2 drops if u find too strong for your skin).
Simple Usage: Energizing
Royal Peppermint x 1 drop
Lavendula Vera x 1 drops
Mix them on your palm, follow by placing your palm on neck and temples. Closed your eyes, breathe in deeply and breathe out gently and long for 5 times. Then open your eyes. You find that recharged and eyes brighten.
Simple Usage: Final Rinse Body-Refreshing
Royal Peppermint x 2 drops
Eucalyptus Radiata x 1 drop
Morning Fresh Dew x 2 drops
After showering clean, drip all the above oils into a small pail with lukewarm water to final rinse your body.
Affirmation: My day begins with all good things to come. It is a refreshing day.