Blog Posted on November 5, 2008 : INSOMNIA & stage 2 JOINT PAIN (New Remedies)
Neck, shoulder pain and insomnia are also the causes for aging because the Qi is being blocked to flow smoothly to the face. This could very well makes one look haggard and exhausted.
Marjoram was first introduced to me in 2002 to overcome joint pain and insomnia by Dr Liew. The reason why I am introducing the oil again is due to the many good feedback on its effectiveness as a remedy for joint pain and insomnia.
Uses for marjoram: A good sedative, eases stiff joints and muscle spasms, including excessive coughing, menstrual cramps, and headaches (especially migraines). It also slightly lower high blood pressure.
Lastest research has shown Marjoram as one of the most effective aroma in relaxing brain waves. Therefore, it makes an excellent calming massage oil, delightful when combined with the softer Lavender. Add a few drops to your bath to counter stress or insomnia 😀
(Recipe 1 is petitgrain, work also)
1 drop Lavendula Vera, 1 drop Peppermint, 1 drop Marjoram or Petitgrain into a 20 cents size of body lotion. Mix well and apply on affected part. Massage lightly.
MARJORAM is more for chronic pain that comes with insomnia problem. I use Petitgrain usually 😀
1 drop Lavendula vera, 1 drop Marjoram and 1 drop Grapefruit pink into warm water. Perform a hand or footbath for 15 minutes before sleep. SUPER EFFECTIVE. After footbath or handbath, press the acupressure points to release stress. The points are illustrated clearly with beautiful pictures in my previous blog. Check out the label – Insomnia.
In every Bryan’s research on herbs or flowers, there will be a poem or affirmations for body, mind and emotions.
Marjoram Positive thinking Affirmation for Health:
I am in peace with myself.
I choose to be Happy.
Love and Light.
Blog Posted on May 27, 2007 : Insomnia
A good sleep is very important for good skin. However, insomnia is quite common nowadays.
If you find that you can’t get to sleep after lying down on your bed for 20mins, you should wake up quickly and perform an acupressure.
1 drop of Lavendula vera and 1 drop Grapefruit pink onto tissue. Inhale a few times and use the tissue to rub the following acupressure point (red dot). Press the point for 6 seconds. Release and repeat the same for 2 mins.
Otherwise, you can do a hand bath or foot bath using 2 drops of Lavendula vera and 2 drops of Grapefruit pink in warm water. Do it thrice a week.

More Reading from my blog: Insomnia