Blog Posted on January 19, 2011 : Weak lungs: Strengthen your lungs
This young chap tends to sleep late all the time, poor memory…. Cannot focus well on studies. After learning kwa sa…. excel now =)
There are so many many successful cases of using moxibustion, and hair dryer method to warm the upper back. It has helped many youngsters who have running nose and tends to sneeze a lot in the morning.
You can recover from sinus. One of my greatest testimonial of all came from a client of mine who had 20 years of sinus and is ok now.
Dos and Dont’s for sinus
1) Don’t eat fruits after 7pm, no milk during treatment period.
2) Warm upper back with 3 oil method.
3) Use hair dryer warm upper back for 2 mins every night.
4) Inhale lemon, eucalytpus and lavendula (from tissue) when you have sinus in the morning.
5) Drink barley fang feng 3 times a week.
6) Strengthen lungs by performing 4 7 8 breathing exercise daily.
Optional (for chronic power treatment) ;
1) Learn moxibustion and warm upper back
2) Perform fire cupping.
All students who have attended “East meet West Kwa Sa” class, have you been doing 4 points moxibustion once a month or has the moxibustion stick gone mouldy …hmmm
Best Oil are :
Lavendula vera (best since 1999 Bryan’s brand), Eucalyptus radiata, Lemon. When I first started on my journey towards natural therapy, people asked me for my credential… I don’t know what is credential then… Hahhaa…now if there’s anyone who asked me, I will encourage them to read up my blog.
Case Study:
Lee works in Yamaha as a pianist. He has sinus problems and bloated stomach at the same time. Every morning, he will have serious running nose, keep on sneezing and has puffy eyes. On top of this, he experienced bloated stomach frequently.
In 2007 , he tried Bryan’s 3 oil method to kwa sa upper back, followed by moxibustion. His sinus gone within 2 weeks and did not reoccur since then. He also drink the herbal tea I mentioned in this blog. (防风 10gram,barlet 50 gram).
Attention to all students who attended “East Meet West Kwa sa, moxibustion and fire cupping” class. These few weeks, the wind is piercing cold and can injure your qi. Do a simple 4 points moxibustion which you have learnt in class (special 4 points). It can help u and you may even feel immediate recovered from all tiredness.

Blog Posted on June 10, 2007 : Sinus, Dark Eye Circles and Dull Skin
Hi all. It has been a very busy week for me working from day to night, answering listeners’ questions and blending herbal oils.
It’s all worth it because I received a number of feedback on recovery from sinus, cough, back pain problems. Across the causeway from JB, I received a small note from a lady yesterday. She told me her skin had improved after using the serum. I am very happy for sll of you.
Symptoms include fullness behind head congestion, excess mucus, facial pain, headaches, non-stop sneezing and blocked nose.
What you should avoid:
- Do not blow your nose violently. Instead blow out through one nostril then the other, not together. The sudden pressure in your ears can push bacteria back into sinuses.
- Alcohol and heaty foodstuff causes the “Ki” to flow upwards, which delay healing process.
- Too much cooling food also causes the body to weaken and takes longer to heal.
This is a very tricky problem. I have a client who had seen many doctors and even went for operations but the condition is still the same. After doing simple acupressure and using the following 2 oils, he is much better now.
Aromatherapy Method (especially effective for kids):
For emergency applications:
- 1 drop of Lavendula Vera and 1 drop of Eucalytus Radiata onto a piece of tissue paper and inhale deeply. Rub the tissue on your upper back, and with a hairdryer, warm your upper back.
- 2-4 drops of Lavendula Vera and 2 drops Euclayptus Radiata into a small jar of “Vicks” ointment (most convenient), or 30ml Aloe Vera gel. Mix well with a wooden toothpick and leave overnight.
- To use, apply some onto the chest and upper back area, rub gently. With some of the leftover on your fingers, apply a bit under the nose. Use a hairdryer to warm the upper back for a while.
- Apply acupressure on the Ying Xiang (Welcome Fragrance) Points (see illustration) twice a day everyday. Press the points for 6 seconds, release, and repeat for 2 mins.
People who have sinus problems should stop eating fruits and cold drinks after 6pm. I have suggested many to observe this for a week and they have found improvement. Your sinus will be difficult to heal even if you take Chinese medicine but do not observe the Yin and Yang elements of the food.

More Reading from my blog: Sinus